Headlines on net130Unity - Tips
Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:58:37 +0000
The following tip may be utilized when you are asked to forward a call from CM / CME to Voicemail and have the caller leave a message. Then the message should be delivered to multiple user inboxes and also light up mwi on the appropriate phones.
a. Setup CM/CME to forward calls to VM. (say a ...]
GNS3 - Switching lab part 2 (router on a stick) over on Blindhogs
Thu, 31 Jul 2008 17:45:58 +0000
I posted a link for part I and here is the link for part II on his site incase you haven’t been there to read it yet.
This is part two of my gns3 switching tutorial series. In part 1, you learned how to use a 16 port network module (NM-16ESW) to simulate many features of ...]
Full Guide: How to Convert DVD to iPhone 3G,MP3,M4A(for Mac/Windows)
Wed, 06 Aug 2008 07:21:17 GMT
One of the best features of iPhone is that it is the best iPod Apple has created. iPhone has a memory of 8GB, which is more than enough to store multiple movies. So a lot of iPhone users are looking for methods to put their DVD movies on iPhone. There are many DVD to iPhone converters on the...
HSRP and You Johnny Update
Wed, 16 Jul 2008 13:22:54 +0000
If anyone remembers my original post on our HSRP setup I wasn’t able to fully test it at that time. Well last night the routing in our MPLS provider’s cloud seemed to take a little bit of a tumble for one of our facilities. The tunnel interface went right down and the routing went ...]
Sun, 02 Mar 2008 10:17:55 +0000
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