Another short cisco firewall review
cisco firewall in the news
Show isdn service
Mon, 18 Sep 2006 04:19:34 +0000
To find out which channels are in service, which are out of service, use command,
sh isdn service. Here is a sample output from a Cisco IOS router.
BR1#sh isdn service
PRI Channel Statistics:
%Q.931 is backhauled to CCM MANAGER 0×0003 on DSL 0. Layer 3 output may not appl
ISDN Se0/0/1:23, Channel 1-24]
Configured Isdn Interface (dsl) 0
Channel ...]
H323 template
Wed, 05 Jul 2006 20:51:04 +0000
1. voice class codec, g711 as first preference and g729 second
2. voice class h323 with timeout 3
3. dial-peer to match incoming call leg
4. two dial-peers to send calls to CCM. enable no vad on these dial-peers and also dtmf-relay
5. 4 outgoing dial-peers for 911, local, long and international
6. enable qos for signaling
voice class codec 1
codec ...]
Using Extended Access-Lists In A Distribute-List
Sat, 05 Jan 2008 00:32:52 +0000
Hi Brian,
I’m trying to create a distribute-list in RIP to allow only even routes to be received. I can do it successfully with a standard ACL, however if I use an extended ACL I can’t get any routes at all. I’ve heard that extended ACLs are better because they also check the netmask. ...]
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