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Monday, January 12, 2009

News about ccie virtual lab

News about ccie virtual lab

Digg Recommendation Engine

Tue, 11 Nov 2008 13:27:04 +0000
Kick ass video on how the new recommendation engine works. A great video to watch as a tutorial on how to do something math related on the web- right.
Anton Talks About The Digg Recommendation Engine from Kevin Rose on Vimeo.

What It’s All About, Anyway.

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 20:06:05 +0000
What is it all about? Well, let me tell you. It’s about politics. Of course you knew I’d say that, being a political blogger, it isn’t that big of a stretch really. I know what you’re thinking. “Oh, I don’t really like politics, I don’t like talking about it, not really. Politics are boring.” Oh ...]

With MPLS the VPN allow the Peer to Peer bad model to have advantage over the Overlay model where in the MPLS we use VRF
Virtual Routing Forwarding separators between each network and the configuration is done only on each new site.
meaning that if I am an SP and I have 3 client (Cisco, Microsoft, Verizon) each vrf will have a unique color vrf Cisco, vrf Microsoft and
vrf Verizon, and to join a new branch is only to color this branch traffic accordingly, so the main work is done in the initial design and
implementation and any new addition is actually very simple to add.

Sovereign BGP

Wed, 10 Dec 2008 20:53:19 +0000
Sorry about the wait…
An interesting BGP configuration option I have recently come-across is the “Conditional Advertisement Feature” -> it’s been around for a while, and what it allows you to do is to apply policy to outbound BGP advertisements…
Two examples of the kind of export policy that can be performed are:
“Only advertise “route A” when ...]

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ccie training For Your Reading Pleasure

News about ccie training

It’s Official: Lab Date Scheduled!

Sun, 04 Jan 2009 05:27:05 +0000
First let me say it’s good to see cciejourney back in the mix of things for the new year!  We’re all behind you buddy, and going through it all together.  With that being said, I’d like to announce that I have officially scheduled my lab date.  5/11/2009 @RTP.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.
I am feeling ...]

IPCCX - provisioning CTI port and Media termination groups

Tue, 25 Jul 2006 00:29:41 +0000
CTI ports take only 1 ms to reinitialize (ie, to get back to operation after a call is disconnected), but CMT groups will take upto 200 ms to reinitialize. IPCCX will not answer calls if there are no CMT ports available. So make sure you provision 10% more CMT ports than CTI ports.

How Your Categories And Tags Help Or Hurt Your Blog.

Wed, 10 Sep 2008 02:50:01 +0000
How you use your categories and tags can have a direct and telling effect on how well your readers can find information on your blog, and how well search engines can index it. Both of these influences are critical for your success as a blogger.

Spending a little time to plan out a solid, logical taxonomic structure for your blog will help you win more readers, gain more search engine exposure and develop more repeat fans for your blog.

Add your existing RSS feed!

We have tried to write all this about ccie training without leaving any margin of doubt lying in you. If there is any margin, do remove it.

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