Current cisco bcran NewsASA Emulator with Qemu 2
Mon, 20 Oct 2008 18:19:00 +0000
For quite some time, I’ve been battling with the notion of running an ASA emulator on linux without VMware. Since I couldn’t quite figure it out myself, I had to place the idea on the back burner until I had more time to test. After a few months of dabbling with dynamips, dynagen, and pemu ...]
CCIE rewrite
Rewrite??? What am I talking about?
Well, sadly, with my current circumstances, I had to prepare for
another round of CCIE written next year.
WHAT??? WHY???
Reason number one: I am settling in the new place, new work and new
envronment. Thuus several resources had to be cutoff or deferred. That
includes my CCIE funding and preparation time slot.
Reason number two: I have checked the schedule for the next round and
the available date (so far) is after March 2008.
Is there a problem after March 2008? Yes, my last attempt was March
2007, which is more than 12 months after the last attempt and this is
against CCIE lab exam rules.
Also, inistead of burning another block of dollars, I prefer to get
the next round propererly set and shoot and goal. With the current
situation that requires a lot of my attention, there will be extremely
challenging for me to go ahead with the next round of CCIE lab.
Sadly, but true, but I am going to progress ahead with my CCIE.
Whatever it takes as I ready as I am.
7 Quick Tips for Branding Yourself Through Social NetworkingMon, 16 Jun 2008 21:35:33 +0000
I’ve only been Social Networking for a little over a month and I have learned so much in that short amount of time. I am certainly no expert in Social Networking as I have a whole lot to learn. But, I do know a thing or two about marketing. When it comes to brand recognition, ...]
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